tom robbins quotes


“Animals are invisible clocks and computers about which science can only speculate. Similarly, scientists have discovered and recorded “laws” to which electricity, gravity and magnetism adhere – but they have practically no understanding of what these forces are or why. It would seem that there exists in the time-space grid a system of natural order, a mathmatics of energy whose “numbers” are even more a riddle to us than their progressions. It is this arithmetic of consciousness that more simple men call the “supernatural.” The mystery of migrating butterfilies, the mystery of gravity, and dreams are but operating arms of the Great Mystery, the perpetuation of which sustains us all. It is in the realm of this High Mystery that certain men and women are destined to act out their lives.”

“Another Roadside Attraction” — Tom Robbins


“I am told that you are a gypsy, and a clairvoyant in the bargain. Does that mean that you, too, are a traveler?”

“I am a gypsy in spirity only,” she confessed. “I travel in gardens and bedroooms, basements and attics, around corners, through doorways and windows, along sidewalks, up stairs, over carpets, down drainpipes, in the sky, with friends, lovers, children, and heros; perceived, remembered, imagined, distorted, and clarified.”

“Another Roadside Attraction” — Tom Robbins

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