a new door

DoorToRajastan, originally uploaded by seekingsol.

Sadly, I have some very negative feedback for FOTKI.com (with whom I’ve been hosting my albums for the last six years and who is also responsible for over 500 posts of broken photo links, now, on this blog).

BUT! Every for every door closed, a new one does open, and THIS is only a test of my new FLICKR album…

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  1. Anonymous January 4, 2008 at 2:50 pm

    Go to (atomhost.com) get
    4 Gigabyte’s for $6 month.
    Go to ‘Today’s Special’ It’s the same special virtual every day.
    They host over 10,000 websites with fast servers.

    Sorry for the advert but you should leave fotki alone.
    You should control your own photos otherwise if the site shuts down there goes your photos

  2. Jim December 30, 2007 at 3:30 pm

    Hola Sol,
    The only constant in life is change!
    Before reading your blog, I had never heard of Fotki.com but I liked how it was set up and you have been using it for a looong time. So, when I needed a place to put ALL my photos I chose Fotki. I was on Flikr before.
    And as of this morning I’ve almost uploaded over 3000 pictures. So, if I can get at least 6 good years out of the relationship with them…
    Well, that’s life isn’t it. You give things a try and sometimes it’s good and sometimes not so good.

    Take care of yourself and I always look forward to your new blog entries and photos.

    A friend on the road…


    PS fotki.com/WanderingTheWorld

  3. Sharmila December 28, 2007 at 8:30 pm

    This is to your previous entry, “mental experience” there wasn’t a place for me to leave a comment….

    Why is it that when I have a question or some sort of musings that I have come to experience, I read your blog on occasion, and you put into words what I’ve been trying to form….what is that called, oh yeah,



    I’ve noticed this as well, experiencing this way of knowing and being…you are like my dictionary/thesaurus

    Thanks again for sharing your musings…


  4. Anonymous December 28, 2007 at 6:37 pm

    Your family uses smugmug and thinks well of it. Hi dear! MOM

  5. Will Terrell December 27, 2007 at 7:18 pm

    Fotki did that to me too. It was very frustrating. And they never even notified me about it. Bleh.

    Glad you’re adapting.

    Keep smiling pretty lady.

  6. Marilyn December 27, 2007 at 5:23 pm

    You’re on Flickr?! YAY! 🙂

  7. discountbrain December 27, 2007 at 4:59 pm

    You really should manage your own photos, and have them on your own domain.

    Being at the mercy of any company to host your photos is not good.

    you can get a years worth of hosting and with a gallery application for $30 a year, with 50gb of storage.

  8. alex December 27, 2007 at 4:37 pm

    Good luck Miss Sol. There is also this other site called, smugmug.com that seems to be good. Peace…

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