My daughter is two and right as she’s being tucked into bed, she often ends the day with a hopeful: “Can we go camping tomorrow?” Chuckle-worthy for sure, but my husband and I did the…
Browsing Category packing lists
An Introvert’s Step-by-Step Guide to Her 40th Birthday Party
An Introvert’s Step-by-Step Guide to Her 40-th Birthday Party Step 1: Get it Straight. By birthday party, an introvert means being alone. That is the only way she authentically parties. By introvert, a girl could…
tips for travelling internationally with a baby
This post for all the former-free-bird mommas out there. The ones that prided themselves on traveling on a shoestring and day-bag. Mommas who sang in the silence of their own, simple, presence. Mommas who marveled the…
mama vs. the ocean
We had to pick a few family goals when designing our family gap year trial run. And one of the primary reasons we landed on the big island of Hawaii was to offer our kids…
*updated* packing list: minimal, high-quality, active, techie, and mom-friendly.
: : : Packing List, for 1 Single Traveler Wondering how to pack everything you need into one carry-on? Some people find this process stressful, but I rather enjoy the challenge and simplicity of sorting…
Tips for traveling with a baby…
This post for all the former-free-bird mommas out there. The ones that prided themselves on traveling on a shoestring and day-bag. Mommas who sang in the silence of their own, simple, presence. Mommas who marveled the…
my camera kit
A friend recently told me over tea, “So I’d decided along with everyone else to stop researching cameras and computers and just buy whatever you do…” Both off and online, I get a lot of…
pilgrimage (camino de santiago) packing list
Ahhhhhh….. …. there is no greater feeling of freedom or independence than what I feel when EVERYTHING I need for a *long-term* existence is compacted into a small pack and strapped on my back. Contents…