I consider it my highest mission as an intercultural educator to foster and encourage empathy, humility and vulnerability in my students. And as it is in both my personal and professional cultures to express gratitude…
Posts tagged gratitude
Footprints in PeruDay 3: living in my tiny, little head
I call it, “living in my head” and am usually sequestered to this claustrophobically small space under one of the following conditions: my 12th consecutive hour in an office, my 4th cup of coffee in…
waking up; looking out
(Photo courtesy of friend, co-worker and fellow travel blogger, Tim Hare.) Hi friends. Obviously I have been busy. Today I walked in the door from two weeks spent in the California Sierras conducting an orientation…
touching peace upon
Where does one feel sadness? It’s not in the head. Not the heart really either. For me it sits at the bottom of my ribcage, quivering, where if it decided to make a run for…
sowing seeds
Renee, My time here is coming to a close and I can feel the slight pull and excited unease inside of me that comes at the end of each and every of my 3-month semesters…