(In case you needed any?) For those that don’t know, I’m currently on work sabbatical on the big island of Hawaii dong what I have coined our family gap year trial lap. The idea was…
Browsing Category travel philosophy
The Inheritance of Travel (in response to the prompt: How did you get here?)
There are stories in my body that I could tell: Of the hip sway I found in the lead of a grey-haired woman with a sign on her Antigua door that read, “salsa lessons.” Of…
How to hatch an inspiration. Sit on it, but notice it flaring up every time you go for a walk in the woods. Note that you hike faster and arrive sooner. Try to write…
citizen of La La
I think I was ten years-old the first time I was accused of living in “La La Land” (by an impressionable 7th grade teacher). When I was a teenager, my parents (in an unfortunate turn…
life asanas
BY ALL APPEARANCES, my backpack is stiff with stagnancy. But my absence belies. For all the spiritual journeys and cross-road training I imagined myself on in my 20’s – I now get that it’s all training-wheels….
to wake up wondering
Oh. Creaky, rusty fingers. Of which I would prefer to point at the Himalayan monsoons in blame. But really, we all know, the real culprit is disuse. Blog content comes to me like the first…
re-defining home
(The following question was posed to me by the editor of TravelBlogs.com) What does home mean to you after traveling for so long? When I first left the country, I was an angry girl; ashamed…
a stone on simmer
Handing me back the piece of paper with the single word on it, my student says, “Um. I’m not sure I know what this is…” Part of the mission of my work (in experiential education)…
leave your expectations; bring your patience
(I have a new group of Dragons students arriving soon and this was from a note I wrote to them, related to the previous post, that I think continues to provide insight on life in…