Eric, the editor of recently posed the following prompt to a group of travel bloggers. If you’re interested, you can find the other answers in his article on, “Dealing with Loneliness on the Road.”…
Browsing Category on lonliness
pinched but not popped
Journal Entry Condom, France (How unfortunate to have a contraceptive device named after your city!) Mid-October Four days ago, my brother (by blood) and my sister (by marriage) jumped off a two-car train and onto…
unbiased auspices
An hour passes by in minutes before the stranger and I finally inhale from our excited conversation when we are alerted, via a passerby, that the bus we were waiting for has stopped running. We…
to be made and unmade
“I have no desire for one life partner.” “I feel most inspired and alive on my own.” “I don’t believe in marriage (or any other sacrament that needs a government’s stamp of legitimacy).” There are…