Hi friends, I’ve got a new writing goals check list on my wall that requires that I enter one writing contest a month. This is a tiny one (one paragraph) with a nice prize. Will…
Browsing Category the junk drawer
Salsa dancing with an Unsuspecting Latino
Hello friends, The good news is that I’ve been keeping up my commitment to some new writing goals. The bad news is that I’m often not allowed to publish (in any form) my submissions to…
so much for my come back
It clearly didn’t happen. And I’m already packing again. Let’s avoid the topic and hide behind some pretty pictures of Hawaii I haven’t yet posted…
human beans
Funny that for all the miles walked and distances flown, I have rarely wandered as far from this blog as my recent extended absence. While I could confess to a tiny and guilty sigh of…
we all know…
…that I need to write. You know. Because there hasn’t been an update for months. I know, because my rote emails are starting to rhyme; my fingers itching so badly to tap dance, they are…
stuck on FF
I know. Totally absent. Apologies my friends and family. Sometimes life just hits FF on you and the button sticks. For the first day in weeks, today I hit Pause. Let me collapse on the…
the only thing….
…I did not check off my to-do list before getting on my plane to India, was, “update site!” My apologies. I promise something fun from Delhi. They are calling my boarding section!
If you ever, in the midst of this economic crisis, find yourself wondering: 1. what would look great on that blank wall or holiday greeting card? 2. how can I support poor broke solbeam? You…
junking it
I’m pulling my hair out. There is possibly nothing worse than being forced to read through an old personal journal. Not just any journal, but what feels like my high school crush journal. The years…