Well, I’ve finally got myself that cup of coffee and computer time that I’ve been craving. As well as a messy pile of stained notes and unorganized photos documenting my day-by-day account of the adventures…
Browsing Category peru
A Final Footprint in Peru: conclusion
Before we leave the village of Quelqanqa , we take one last tour of the sites laying (quite physical) tribute to the successes of our manual labor. We walk down the valley to visit the…
Footprints in Peru, Day 10: collective breaths
Our bridge is only a few hundred hauled-stones away from completion when I wander up the hill following a rumor that the men of the Quelqanqa are constructing a traditional “earth oven” or pachamanca in…
Footprints in Peru, Day 8: one stone at a time
a community service project sponsored by World Nomads Our first mistake is thinking that we’ve come to organize and/or manage; our first lesson is realizing that the locals coordinating this project are professionally skilled and…
Footprints in Peru, Day 7: walking a fine line
a community service project sponsored by World Nomads “Oh! It’s just so beautiful! To live in this amazing valley, pulling your meals from your garden, surrounded by your extended family, breathing fresh Andes air with…
Footprints in Peru, Day 6: a welcome to the house of great mountains
a community service project sponsored by World Nomads As we descend into the valley, I can’t help but feel like I’m strolling through a doctor Seuss picture book; it’s an awkward but fanciful arrangement of…
Footprints in Peru, Day 5: a healthy humbling
In my defense, I have to point out that it really should have been the responsibility of Javier and Jairo to inquire as to my personal definition of “favorable weather” before asking me to make…
Footprints in Peru, Day 4: appeasing the apus
“I knew you were better as soon as your laugh woke me up,” declares Javier. Indeed, while my mental facilitates napped through a 13-hour siesta, my body, with the assistance of the antibiotics, regained control…
Footprints in PeruDay 3: living in my tiny, little head
I call it, “living in my head” and am usually sequestered to this claustrophobically small space under one of the following conditions: my 12th consecutive hour in an office, my 4th cup of coffee in…
Footprints in Peru Day 1: puncturing peruvian skin & yachcay
Plaza de Armas, Cusco, Peru “Where are you from?” It’s the same first question every shoe shining boy in the Plaza de Armas has been trained to ask. “The heavens,” I reply in Spanish. He…