I did it! I fit my life into that pack pictured above with room to boot. But I’ve still got a hundred and one errands to run so I don’t have time to blog.
I’m not sure how I did this…but I somehow arranged for a red eye flight. I looked at my tickets last week and was like…”Departs at :40?” :40…is indeed…12:40, as in, a.m. So I’ll be chillin’ in the PDX late night today. One departing comment. The locals in Antigua *according to Lonely Planet Guatemala (the best travel guide series in Sol opinion)* are nicknamed “panza verdes” which means “green bellies” — because of their love and abundance of avocados. *avocados and strawberries are my weaknesses in life* Aw. Yeah.
I love airports. All those people who are all doing things outside of their daily rountines. Ecstatic reunions and tearful goodbyes..and then there’s this collective, and shared “feeling” *for lack of a better word*…of all these different people awaiting separate and unknown adventures. I love that energy. And my all-time favorite feeling in world? Sitting in the plane having not a clue in the world where my life is about to go…and totally freaking out about it. *grins* I’ll be there tonight.
*Wait…did I just blog? :)*