break from my break

Descanso De Mi Descanso

That means a “break from my break.”

Between getting off my bartending shifts at 2:00 and my morning Spanish classes…I´ve only gotten four hours of sleep the last two nights in a row. Check my weekend schedule….tonight, huge BBQ/party for all those international peoples living my same life (yup…it wasn´t all that unique of an idea). Tomorrow I bartend from 5:30 ´till 2:00, have a few drinks with my coworkers after we close the doors, go home and catch my ride to Guatemala City to make my plane to Flores. As soon as I arrive, I find my med student boys and hit the ruins of Tikal (second only to Machu Picchu) for the day. (And if you´re counting…yes…that´s 48 hours without sleep.) Next morning, before the rooster crows, we´re off to the Cayes of Belize.

I have a feeling I´ll be more than ready for the sleepy towns with only two streets named appropriately, “Front Street” and “Back Street” and with STOP and SLOW signs that state the only two rules and obvious facts of Caye life. Yes. Snorkeling, lobster and sweet frothy drinks will be welcomed. (Ya know where that terrible “Temptation Island” show was filmed? That´s where we´ll be…minus all the struggling LA actors in bathing suits.)

Welcome to Chapter 2: Solbeam Slows It Down….

(Belize is much more expensive that Guatemala, and even Internet connection will be costing me many Belizean bucks. I´ll be posting to the site, but will not be returning e-mails until I return to good ol Guate….)

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