minolta dimage


To date, I have owned SEVEN different digital cameras. The first four I bought and sold as fast as the technology became outdated, because *quite admittedly*…I’m digitoy obsessed. The last three, as we all know, were all removed from my ownership by shady Guatemalan characters by the use of bag-slashings, mail interception, and guns. I am obviously honey to the thieving-bears. So as I prepare to embark on yet another year of travels, I ask NOT what shady characters will do for me, but what I can HIDE in my SHOE from shady characters….

And thus I present to you, our new replacement who will be capturing the .jpg and .mpg abroad-action of Solbeam.com 2002-2004….

Weighing in at an hefty 5 ounces and standing an entire 3 inches in height and a half inch in width… let’s hear a round of applause for “Sol Digicam the VIII“!

The Minolta Dimage X

Please excuse me now as I go stand by the door, drum my fingers, and wait for the delivery man to arrive….


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