things back in swing….


Shamefully, I had to be notified by a reader that was down. And it turned out to be a bit of mystery where my site was exactly hosted (and another if it continued to exist). Breath was held. And breath, recently, was released. Though as I poke around, I see there are plenty of quirky critters in the corners (never mind the dust!). (If you bump into errors, please let me know.) And speaking of cobwebby corners, I just found a drawer full of unread letters in my Facebook so-called “other” folder. One of them read, “I had no idea you had a child and family now!”  Now would I have deserted for just anyone?  Look at that face on the swing. Can you blame me?  Excuses aside, I’m contemplating a cameo return to my own production (if that’s possible). Short and sweet stuff. That can fit in between the teeth of managing a full time job, toddler, and household. It probably won’t be worth reading. But it might be worth writing. (If you blog/write, you get the distinction.) I’m rather skilled at catching flying noodles these days.  Perhaps I’ll be able to snatch an interesting thought or two (that seem to fly by at the same speed as chucked pasta) and get them to stick to the wall of this site. No promises. If having a toddler has taught me anything in life, it’s how to shrug my shoulders, give up, and smile.





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