

*is this place for REAL?!*

Breathtaking. From every angle.


(New pictures also in the Australia Album.)

I must apologize for the lack of any substantial blog material over the last weeks. I’ve found every inch of my energy completely consumed by my role and duties as a team leader for my LEAPnow semester students. What little time is left is usually spent in awe of the beauty around me and in contemplation of the self revelations wherein. The personal stories and insights are delayed…but *I promise* — they will see the light of blog one day.

In addition to that, I’ve actually resolved, and am in the midst of organizing, my next six or seven months of adventure-abroad. I won’t be home for Christmas, I won’t be home for my birthday and I won’t be home for my college roommate reunion. But the things I’m missing are incomparable to what what I’ll have the opportunity *and fantastic fortune* to experience overseas…

I see that is suffering from a “map-overdose” so I’ll resist just putting up her picture. How ’bout a few hints? She’s in the Caribbean. She’s an island. She rocks to the rhythm of salsa. And I’ll be learning a little French.

I’ll also be on the clock and *finally* spending some time investing in a couch and some pillows of savings-account-cushionings to support my nasty travel habit for the rest of 2003-2004. Because if you haven’t noticed….I’m determined to make travel my way of life.

Okay. Enough hints. As soon as I buy my ticket, I’ll reveal the identity of the country behind door number 1. Our first date will take place on December 7th. And believe me…the butterflies in my stomach are all a ‘flutter!

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