sol statistical update as of 7-8-06

sol statistical update as of 7-8-06


# of days I worked in a row in late May thru June: 30

Average number of hours I was spending in the office per weekday: 11

# of alligators on the seat of my new cruiser (bike) given to me as a bonus from my boss: 7

The timing of my boss: impeccable

Average number of hours I still manage to put in on the dance floor per week: 16+

Number of inches of heel on my brand new (made just for salsa) dance shoes: 2.5

How I walk to work every day: barefoot

The expanse of my extremes: unexplained

The number of programs we (my company) have in the field (world) today: 23

The number of students to whom, if any slightest thing happens, warrants a call to the emergency “hot phone”: 200

Current location of that “hot phone”: my back pocket

Average local time in Boulder that corresponds to afternoon in Asia: 2:00am

Locations from where the hot phone has rang me awake in the last three nights: Rural Western China, Zanskar and the general South Western Himalayan regions.

What I’ve found emergency problem solving to secretly be: kinda fun

Status of that secret now I’ve disclosed it on the WWW: blown

Message to any of my viewing co-workers: Although I do admit it’s “kinda fun” I’m still done with my turn and ready to hand off the hot phone!

For a difficult task is: finding salsa outfits with a “hot phone” pocket.

The lesson number I’m on in Pimsleur’s French series: 38

Tenses I’m now able to speak: Present, past, future

Most interesting/questionable sequential set of phrases I’ve learned in the audio series: “Mon mari n’est pas ici. Il est en Amérique. Je voudrais aller à votre hôtel. Vous aiment le vin rouge?”

Translation: “My husband is not here. He is in America. I would like to go to your hotel. Do you like red wine?” (In that order!)

How the Pimsleur series promotes itself: “the most practical and efficient language learning tool”

Adjectives I’d certainly agree with: “practical” & “efficient”

Question I’m currently baffled by: “That there is no name, in English, for a dandelion that is no longer a yellow flower, but a seedy globe of stemy softness.”

Question I put forth to the international peoples reading this blog: “What’s the translation for the state of this flower (see picture above) named in other languages?”

The top 30 of 81 countries that site statistics says people are logging on from: US, Canada, UK, Australia, China, Belgium, Germany, France, Cyprus, Ecuador, Netherlands, Finland, Spain, Israel, South Korea, Turkey, India, Romania, Japan, Norway, Portugal, South Africa, Italy, Hong Kong, Austria, Ghana, Malaysia, Peru, United Arab Emirates

Super cool site I recently registered on:

30 of 81 countries in which there are couches I want to surf: US, Canada, UK, Australia, China, Belgium, Germany, France, Cyprus, Ecuador, Netherlands, Finland, Spain, Israel, South Korea, Turkey, India, Romania, Japan, Norway, Portugal, South Africa, Italy, Hong Kong, Austria, Ghana, Malaysia, Peru, United Arab Emirates

What I’m not-so-subtlety doing: hinting

And while I’m on the site statistics page; funniest “search strings” that led people to this site in June: “opps I did it again to your heart” “Dennis Rodman’s penis” “Peruvian jello cakes” “availability of Pepto Bismol in Spain” “Seoul hooker hill” “Does a koala travel alone or in a pack?” “” “AMERICANMONKEYSAROUNDTHEWORLD.COM” “S.O.L. answers”

My status on which of the last three is a more appropriate name for my site: torn — in tears of laughter.

# of hospital couches I surfed last week: 3

# of airport couches I crashed (after missing my bus) last week: 1

# of days before my lease ends and I will be a homeless pilgrim couch-surfing around Boulder: 22

# of days before I will be a homeless pilgrim couch-surfing around France: 63

# of you that are “no fools” to the fact that I love being a homeless pilgrim: all

Latest country I’ve added to my fall travel itinerary (where the national language is also French): Senegal

Former French Colony in South India where I’ll be spending my winter holiday: Pondicherry

The apparent theme of my 2006/7 travels: French

# of couchsurfers (I met on that I had staying at my apartment this week: 1

How cool she was on a scale of 1-10: 10

How much I love the randomness of online-backpacker-community: absurd amounts

Number of bypasses that were successfully stitched to my Dad’s heart: three

How grateful I am to all those who sent notes of support and love: extremely

Quality that describes how convenient it has been that my (secret) divine life plan has now allowed for me to be home for two family emergencies in the last 6 months: uncanny

What I find myself doing when I look up at the sky: winking back

% decrease in my workload now that our programs are out the door: 30 and increasing

% increase in my time to play, read, write and enjoy life in Boulder: 30 and increasing

What I plan to make a priority now that I again have the time: #3 in the list above

# of incredibly inspiring people who congregated in the Sierras of California for our instructor training camp that are dressed up in ridiculous outfits in the following photos: 70

State of my being in regards to the love I’m feeling for all the amazing communities (on, offline, home, work, salsa,, backpacking, Boulder) that surround me: overwhelmed

Around the time I need to stop sighing around and jump on my green cruiser to go hand off this hot phone: now! 🙂


(Visited 99 times, 1 visits today)


  1. Anonymous August 8, 2006 at 10:04 am

    “my (secret) divine life plan”.. according to Darwin and generally accpeted among the scientific community today, life is an accident. The key to science is that it can be proven, through testing. This gives it more credibility than the church, which is why the church opposed scientific ideas. Many of todays scientific ideas oppose your own private ideas, have you thought about that? Are you a person who prefers to believe what you want to believe, rather than what we, as a human community, have discovered through tests, to be true? Do you believe in the physics, chemistry and biology that put a man on the moon?

  2. DJ FunkyGrrL July 18, 2006 at 10:48 pm

    It’s wonderful you have self confidence to be your own person; without societies, perceived obligations of what woman should do.

  3. giovanniaureel July 11, 2006 at 4:42 pm

    Hi Solbeam!

    Just read that you want to couchsurf Austria – welll – I used to be member of tcouchsurfing, but you are always welcome to surf on my couch ;-)!

  4. July 11, 2006 at 8:30 am

    A dandelion that is no longer a yellow flower, but a seedy globe of stemy softness = “dandelion clock”

  5. Anonymous July 10, 2006 at 12:39 pm

    Welcome back, have missed you on the site. Glad your dad is better and your plans continue. Will look forward to hearing more soon.


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